So I have worked on some more shading. I Even figured out how to get line art with holdout shader on Blender. The task was very tricky but it I got it done. I am working one some other tricks on the process. One other thing I also do is use Eevee graphic engine. One is I also sometimes use a green color and not an emission shader and have a green background and green screen it with Shotcut, or Natron. That is how made the paper style image on the earlier image. There are some more works I am planning one making. Ocean Quigley is one youtuber that help get the basics on some of this, and here is the link to the video. There are expansions to his idea.
There are more images to come, as I figure out the software. Two get the gif to animate I had to do some troubleshooting. I am finding WP changed a little and I need figure out how to work with its changes.